"Spring's Rebirth"

"Spring's Rebirth"
"Spring's Rebirth" 18"x30" Acrylic on Canvas 2016

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Abstract Color Wheel

Students learned how to paint the 12 colors of the color wheel.  Primary = yellow, red, blue.  Secondary = orange, green, violet.  Tertiary = yellow-orange, red-orange, red-violet, blue-violet,
blue-green, yellow-green.  Students were able to creatively choose any shapes they wanted for the abstract color wheel.  Balance was an important part of our discussion.
Students then began to decorate the background by drawing shapes to fill the space.
Students then learned about the drawing techniques hatching and cross-hatching.  They started by making a light layer of hatching in each shape.  They also learned about value and how different values of light and dark can be created with these drawing techniques.
 Students then learned that creating a variety of values from light to dark can be accomplished by changing several factors of the hatching and cross-hatching.  There are three main factors that help create a variety of values: 1. spacing of the lines 2. the amount of layers of line (cross-hatching) 
3. the thickness of line.
Students then worked with balancing their values of light, medium, and dark evenly in the background.  Students also learned how this created contrast in two ways: 1. the variety of light to dark in the background 2. the difference between the intense colors of the color wheel against the neutral values of the background.